Browsing: Recycle

The UN estimates some 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste was generated around the world in 2019, that is an average of 7.3 kg of e-waste per person.  Worse still, experts at the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimate that the annual generation of e-waste will reach 74.7 Mt by 2030. Here gals are pictured at the famous e-waste dump site in Agogbloshie, Ghana. inhaling dangerous fumes as e-waste is burned to collect copper wires and other metals. Photo/PureEarth
  • According to UN estimates some 53.6 million tonnes of e-waste was generated around the world in 2019.
  • The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimate that the annual generation of e-waste will reach 74.7 Mt by 2030.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy or principle that is designed to promote total life cycle of products.

Mobile phone manufacturers release new devices almost every other quarter. Ever wondered what happens to the old ones?

Actually, what happens to old (or not so old) electronics that are simply out-paced by newer technology? Well, just like used cars and clothing, they are exported to Africa and other developing nations.

The so called export of used consumer goods to Africa is nothing more than dumping of electronic waste from rich, developed countries to unsuspecting developing nations that in most cases are forced by loan and grant conditions to buy the environmentally harzadous goods.

Known as …

The 2023 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation shortlist represents ten African countries, including first timers Angola and Sierra Leone, and demonstrates the importance of engineering as an enabler of improved quality of life and sustained economic development.

The UK Royal Academy of Engineering shortlist of innovations tackle challenges central to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, good health and wellbeing, and clean energy, good health and wellbeing, and quality education.

Several water innovations are featured in the shortlist Africa Prize Engineering Innovation, including a real-time water quality monitoring and control system, an acid mine drainage solution to recycle contaminated water for human consumption, a portable unit that uses fish waste to boost production of vegetables, and a water management system to prevent excess borehole pumping and drying out of aquifers.…