Browsing: sanitary enclosure

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Entered into force the Presidential Decree 184/20, that foresees exceptional and temporary measures that will be in force when the Sanitary Enclosure is declared in any Angolan Province or Municipality.

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The main measures are the following:

  • Use of face mask is mandatory in the public road, markets, commercial establishments, places of worship, educational establishments, public transports and, in general, all the enclosed spaces that are open to the public.
  • If the facial mask is not used when mandatory, the person is not permitted to enter in that space/establishment and may be sanctioned with a fine from AKZ 5.000,00 to AKZ 10.000,00.
  • Citizens shall stay in their houses, except in case of necessary and indispensable travel.
  • People with 60 or more years old, with chronical diseases (as renal, cardiovascular, oncologic, diabetes or other diseases), who are pregnant or take care