Browsing: SMEs in Zimbabwe

On October 1st, the re-opening of the Zimbabwe border will enable cross-border trade between the majority of Zimbabwe's SME's, enabling access to goods from South Africa.  

 Faced with the drastic impact of Covid-19, Zimbabwe is finally re-emerging from a state of complete lockdown.  

Only recently, Zimbabwean authorities have started reopening the economy in stages, as the country grapples to create economic momentum. A day after the Zimbabwe recorded a rise in COVID-19 recoveries on the 15th of September 2020, the Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa announced a raft of relaxation protocols. Business operating hours where extended to 18:30 pm up from 16:30 pm, the national imposed curfew was reduced from 6pm -6am to 8pm - 6am.   

The government went further and approved the resumption of inter-city travel in a move to open up the economy following nearly six months of restrictions due to