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Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration into various industries has sparked a wave of both anticipation and concern among employees.
  • As AI and automation become prevalent, new job categories and roles emerge.
  • Cultivating interpersonal skills and collaborating effectively with technology to drive innovation and achieve successful outcomes in the future workplace is key.

Artificial Intelligence and automation in the business landscape

Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration into various industries has sparked a wave of both anticipation and concern among employees. As Artificial Intelligence evolves, employees express growing apprehensions about its impact on job security and overall well-being. 

AI and automation are revolutionising the workforce, paving the way for a new era in employment. The adoption of artificial intelligence in automated technologies is poised to transform the job market. Organisations are turning to AI to improve operations and efficiency and stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape.

With the rise of AI