Browsing: Unemployment in South Africa

Unemployment crisis among African youth sparks protests

Africa’s youth unemployment is one of the many “poly-crises” destabilising many countries and impeding economic recovery following recent disruptions and challenges. According to the just-released International Labor Organization’s (ILO) annual Monitor of the World of Work study, low-income African nations are unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels of unemployment this year.…

Africa is great and can be greater if its potential is harnessed strategically. This comes in many forms including placing enough recipes for Africa’s youngest working-age population to exploit different sectors of the economy. 

Numbers paint a rather interesting picture.  Between the year 2015 and 2035, the region’s working-age population will grow by approximately 450 million people, which is about 3 per cent per annum. 

Meanwhile, the African Development Bank (AfDB) one of Africa’s vibrant development financiers noted that “youth are Africa’s greatest asset” and could support increased productivity and stronger, more inclusive economic growth across the continent.  

Meanwhile, the International Labor Organization (ILO) pointed out clearly that unemployment rates have remained acute; the most unfortunate situation is that in sub-Saharan Africa, out of the 38.1 per cent of the estimated total working poor, 23.5 per cent is made up of young people. 

ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020