Browsing: 5G signal in KEnya

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 15 at 18.44.57
  • The Communications Authority of Kenya has finalised Phase I of the cellular mobile infrastructure project which connected 76 sub-locations.
  • The authority also targets the expansion of the postal services and digitally empowering the youth.
  • The Authority finalised the rollout of Internet connectivity in 886 public secondary schools spread across 47 counties.

The Communications Authority of Kenya will need at least Sh107 billion ($819.9 million) to protect consumers and foster competitive ICT markets in a bid to establish Kenya as a digital superhighway. While unveiling its five-year strategic for 2023-27, CA Director-General David Mugonyi said the authority would prioritise increased broadband penetration, adoption of emerging technologies and improvement of cyber security as a way of powering the government’s Bottom-Up Economic policies.

The authority also targets the expansion of the postal services and digitally empowering the youth, women and people living with disabilities. “The goals are backed by a robust implementation plan …