Browsing: Africa

Australia-Africa relations | Africa's mining sector
  • The mining sector, a vital generator of economic growth, will benefit significantly from Australia-Africa relations. 
  • Australia’s presence in Africa’s mining sector is both extensive and growing.
  • As part of Australia’s expanding economic footprint in Africa, several Australian mining companies have established notable operations across the continent, tapping into its abundant natural resources.

The mining sector, a vital generator of economic growth, has witnessed Australia making considerable inroads into Africa. The continent, rich in natural resources, has attracted a flurry of investments from Australian mining companies, recognizing Africa’s untapped potential and vital role in the global mining scene.

The scale of Australian investment in Africa’s mining sector

Australia’s presence in Africa’s mining sector is both extensive and growing. With over 145 ASX-listed mining companies operating just under 500 mines in various development phases across 34 countries, the Australian mining influence is expansive.

In a more comprehensive sense, at least 170 Australian …

visa-free entry policy in Kenya
  • President William Ruto’s announcement of Kenya’s visa-free entry policy for all visitors starting January 2024 marks a paradigm shift in the region’s economic and social landscape.
  • The policy is expected to boost Kenya’s economy by attracting more tourists and business travellers, thus increasing revenue and foreign exchange.
  • Addressing the accompanying challenges will be crucial to ensuring the policy’s success and sustainable growth in the region.

Kenya, a country known for its rich wildlife, vibrant culture, and dynamic economy, is poised to make a significant leap in becoming a hub for investors and business in East Africa. President William Ruto’s announcement of Kenya’s visa-free entry policy for all visitors starting January 2024 marks a paradigm shift in the region’s economic and social landscape. As the visa-free entry date nears, it is important to explore how Kenya is set to redefine the dynamics of business and investment in East Africa.

Overview of

A new global climate pact
  • For the first time in climate summits, diplomats from nearly 200 countries at COP28 have agreed on a new global climate pact.
  • While past United Nations climate deals called for countries to reduce emissions, they shied away from overtly using the words “fossil fuels.”
  • Africa should be allowed to exploit its significant oil and gas reserves to develop its economies before transitioning to cleaner energy forms.

For the first time in climate summits, diplomats from nearly 200 countries at COP28 have agreed on a new global climate pact that clearly outlines the need to “transition away from fossil fuels,” including oil, gas, and coal that have been hazardously heating the planet.

The agreement was reached on the final day of the COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, following two weeks of intense negotiations in a year regarded as the hottest. European leaders and most nations most exposed to climate-fuelled …

Democratic Republic of Congo | DR Congo elections | DRC presidentail election | President Felix Tshekedi
  • Economic considerations are why the world is watching the DR Congo elections. 
  • President Félix Tshisekedi’s approach to the Eastern Congo crisis is a matter of immediate political strategy and a defining aspect of his legacy.
  • DR Congo’s political stability is crucial for international markets.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) is at a pivotal moment with the delay of its December 20th election, attracting global attention. This postponement, amid logistical challenges and the ongoing conflict in the eastern provinces, raises concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

The country’s history of electoral irregularities, including allegations of fraud in past elections, amplifies these worries. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, as any perceived manipulation could further destabilize the already fragile political landscape of the country and the Central African region.

Winning the Hearts of Eastern Congo: A Keystone for Tshisekedi’s Legacy

President Félix Tshisekedi’s approach to …

carbon credit trade
  • The reward for fixing the carbon credit trade could be enormous, especially for Africa’s energy transition.
  • The $2 billion global trade in voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) has suffered from greenwashing allegations, with prices plummeting from the 2022 peaks.
  • For some African climate-linked businesses, the successful functioning of the carbon credits market is not a nice one but is core to their operating strategy.

Highly indebted nations need all the financing available to support their energy transition and climate adaptation needs. With the developed world lagging on its climate funding pledges, market-based solutions provide a supplementary funding source.

Carbon credits, a tradeable instrument obtained when a tonne of carbon is avoided or withdrawn from the atmosphere, have always offered significant optimism. With swaths of carbon-capturing biodiversity in the global south, Africa has the supply, while the industrialised nations looking to offset their emissions have the demand. Buyers then channel the finances …

President Bola Tinubu's economic policies have resulted in an upgrade of Nigeria's credit ratings
  • In a significant move by Moody’s Investors Service, Nigeria’s credit rating has been upgraded from stable to positive.
  • The devaluation of the Naira and the reduction of the oil subsidy are seen as bold steps towards fiscal responsibility. 
  • The recent devaluation of the Naira, a significant move by President Bola Tinubu’s administration, carries profound implications for Nigeria’s credit rating.

In a significant move by Moody’s Investors Service, Nigeria’s credit rating has been upgraded from stable to positive. This shift, while not altering the country’s credit rating, marks a potential turning point for the nation’s fiscal and economic health. The December 9th upgrade reflects the Nigerian government’s concerted efforts to stabilize its economy, spearheaded by President Bola Tinubu, amid a complex tapestry of challenges and reforms.

Credit ratings, as determined by agencies like Moody’s, are pivotal in the global economic landscape. They are a barometer for a nation’s creditworthiness, impacting …

COp28 | oil and gas producers
  • Global oil and gas producers have remained under immense pressure to show more goodwill in the energy transition agenda.
  • As this year’s climate summit enters its homestretch, the most intriguing question is whether the final accord will pledge to reduce fossil fuels.
  • The oil and gas industry’s confidence has also caused tension with renewable groups and climate activists.

The 2015 Paris Agreement establishes measures and conditions requiring all member states to mitigate climate change through emission reductions. Further, Goal 7 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for concerted efforts to ensure access to modern, cleaner forms of energy, while Goal 13 calls for action to combat climate change.

Consequently, the global energy transition is on the cards. There have been calls from the global north to the south for the world to find a proper compromise on energy needs even as climate change effects put sterner demands on …

Food crisis children Africa
  • Eastern Africa and Western Africa account for 70 per cent of Africa’s population unable to afford a healthy diet.
  • About 30 per cent of Africa’s children bear the indelible mark of stunted growth, a cruel consequence of malnutrition.
  • Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger emerged with the highest prevalence rates of child wasting above 10 per cent.

Food crisis in Africa is deepening with a new report showing that an estimated one billion people in the continent are unable to afford a healthy diet. Painting a grim picture for the continent, the Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition – Statistics and Trends 2023 report adds that a total of 282 million people in Africa, roughly 20 percent of the population, including millions of children, are undernourished. This distressing statistic sadly reflects an increase of 57 million people since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“After a long …

youth unemployment
  • The AfDB and Prince Trust International have signed a deal to address youth unemployment while scaling up human capital and entrepreneurship.
  • The MOU commits both institutions to collaborate to identify and develop partnership opportunities to mainstream employability skills for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) projects funded by the Bank.
  • The Prince’s Trust will participate in preparing, designing, implementing and monitoring TVET and skills development projects.

Youth unemployment, human capital, and entrepreneurship opportunities in the continent are set to be addressed through an agreement signed by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Prince’s Trust International.

The MOU commits both institutions to work together to identify and develop partnership opportunities to mainstream employability skills for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) projects funded by the Bank in countries of common interest.

Skills development to tackle youth unemployment

The Prince’s Trust will participate in preparing, designing, implementing and

Greenwashing in Africa | The Exchange

As COP28 unfolds with its myriad discussions and commitments, a less visible but equally critical issue looms on another continent – the pervasive problem of greenwashing in Africa. From the corridors of corporate power to the burgeoning startup ecosystem, greenwashing emerges as a misleading marketing tactic and a significant barrier to genuine environmental and social progress in Africa.

In Africa’s corporate sector, greenwashing has become a strategic tool used by both corporations and governments to cover up environmentally detrimental practices. This issue is acutely critical in a continent where environmental conservation is not just a matter of policy but survival.…