Browsing: Atlas Development and Support Services (ADSS)

Kenyan shilling on an upward trajectory boosting investor confidence

It was suspended from trading at the NSE in May 2017

Troubled logistics firm-Atlas Development and Support Services (ADSS) has been delisted from the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) .

The delisting took effect on April 25, bringing to an end a five-year stint at the Nairobi bourse.

Registered in Guernsey, UK, in 2002, Atlas was admitted to trade at the NSE in December 2014, where it was cross-listed in the London Stock Exchange (LSE)’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) segment.

In December 2015, the firm decided to close its operations in Kenya, placing its Kenyan subsidiaries into liquidation by way of a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation after financial headwinds.

The firm had hoped the closure of the Kenyan subsidiaries, Ardan Logistics Kenya Ltd, Ardan (Medical Services) Ltd and Ardan (Civil Engineering) Ltd, would improve the group’s overall cost base.

Two years later (May 2017), it was suspended from trading at the NSE …