Browsing: business environment in Tanzania

truck assembly
  • China has launched a truck assembly plant in Tanzania.
  • At the same time, President Samia has ordered long-stalled coal and iron mines to be revived.
  • Over 1000 persons to be relocated to establish coal and iron mines .

Tanzania has inaugurated a new truck assembly plant to be run by a Chinese company as the country pushes its industrialization agenda. This truck assembly plant has raised talks of power and metal ore supply for companies, and two key mines have resurfaced, the Mchuchuma coal and Liganga iron ore mines.

Known as the Saturn Corporation Limited Company, the truck assembly plant has this May been inaugurated by the country’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Located in Kigamboni District of the coastal commercial port city of Dar es Salaam, the plant is run by China’s SinoTruk International. The company is renowned for trucks, tippers, tankers and spare parts under the premier brand

Tanzania business environment
  • Tanzania is reviewing key business development laws to boost investments.
  • One of the laws under review is the Companies Act and the Business Names (Registration) Act.
  • Amended laws are set to create a more conducive investment environment.

The Tanzania business environment is expected to improve to a great deal thanks to ongoing efforts to amend non-conducive business laws.

It is expected that the business law amendment will serve to help the country attract investors by improving its business environment, the government has announced.

The government of Tanzania has made public its intention to review key laws in the country, including the Companies Act and the Business Names (Registration) Act, with a view to align the regulations with current global trends and market needs.

To this end, the government of Tanzania is now collecting stakeholders’ opinions ahead of the proposed law amendments.

While the two laws are often confused and intertwined,