Browsing: Carbon

Carbon Offsets
  • In place of resolve to take responsibility for per capita emissions, polluting nations are instead pivoting towards carbon offsets to’ cancel out’ industrialised world emissions. (
  • Carbon markets stand to become a new economic mechanism promoting energy security in Africa.
  • Africa’s forests absorb 600 million tons of CO2 yearly, more than any forest ecosystem on Earth.

Africa should become the global centre for high-value, high-integrity carbon credits, AFC says; Wholesale leases or sale of land undervalue Africa’s forestry while enabling polluters: AFC paper; AFC Foundation to prioritise conservation and regeneration of African carbon sinks through local capacity building.

At a critical moment in the fight against climate change, the world is squandering a significant opportunity by neglecting Earth’s most important natural carbon repositories – Africa’s forests, grasslands, peatlands and mangroves.

Carbon offsets market not delivering

The global carbon markets offer a pragmatic way to improve this course, with

Carbon market Carbon trading Carbon trading in Tanzania Climate change

Therefore, carbon trading—producing and selling carbon offsets is becoming a new, lucrative, and transformative business in Tanzania. At least 20 companies are venturing into climate action-inspired business, pouring over $20 billion worth of investment.…

IMG 3717 1

Climate change is hurting the world including Africa. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change noted that Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change impacts, and it is weak on various angles including having less strong adaptation capacities, and high dependence on natural ecosystems for the livelihood of its populations.

As the world strives to set the greenhouse emissions to at least 1.5 centigrade –the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) argues that in all African regions, negative climate change impacts would progressively compound and lead to decreasing GDP per capita.

The warming scenarios entail losses by 2030 (as compared to a baseline GDP per capita scenario) that range from -0.6 per cent in Northern Africa in the low-warming scenario, to -3.6 per cent in Eastern African in the high-warming scenario.

However, in the current world where research and development as well as technological advancement simplifies life and …