Browsing: cloud-enabled priorities in Africa

cloud transformation
  • With cloud transformation enabling businesses to navigate challenges, adopt emerging technologies, and compete globally, Africa’s cloud-driven future holds great promise.
  • A new survey shows that CEOs’ top cloud-enabled priorities over the next 12 months will include increasing productivity, improving profitability, saving costs, and enhancing stakeholder trust.
  • Organizations that embrace cloud technologies strategically and swiftly will be better positioned to unlock value and drive innovation.

In a market of rapidly advancing technology, CEOs throughout Africa are strategically positioning their investments to secure a competitive advantage through emerging technologies, including generative AI, advanced analytics, and cloud transformation.

Among these, the linchpin for optimizing value is cloud transformation — the process of migrating work to the cloud, which can include data, apps, and software programs, and others.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing, as defined by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a revolutionary approach to accessing and managing IT resources. It delivers computing …