Browsing: Communications Authority of Kenya (CA)

cyber threats in Kenya
  • Cyber threats increased by 943 per cent in the three months to December 2023, with 123 million cases detected in the previous quarter.
  • In response to these threats, Kenya’s National Cyber Security Centre issued 8.06 million advisories during the period under review.
  • This represented a 44.4 per cent increase compared to the 5.6 million advisories issued between June and September.

The Communications Authority of Kenya reports that the number of cyber threats in Kenya increased in the three-month period leading up to December 2023.

In its 2023/24 Q2 cyber security report, the regulator notes that the number of cyber threats rose to more than 1.2 billion cases, up from 123 million threats detected in the previous quarter, representing a 943 percent increase. (Xanax)

The increase is attributed to the enhancement of Kenya’s cyber threat monitoring capabilities and the increased exploitation of ‘system vulnerabilities,’ driven by the increased deployment …

A proliferation of mobile applications on popular online stores is exposing Kenyans to increased cyber attacks and fraud, a latest sector statistics report by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has revealed. This comes in the wake of a fast growing mobile subscription in the country which grew 6.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2018(October-December). The report by the industry regulator covering 2018 shows a dramatic spike in malware attacks, targeting mobile devices and which has seen unsuspecting Kenyans defrauded in online platforms.

Mobile subscription in the country grew 6.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2018

A proliferation of mobile applications on popular online stores is exposing Kenyans to increased cyber attacks and fraud, a latest sector statistics report by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has revealed.

This comes in the wake of a fast growing mobile subscription in the country which grew 6.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2018(October-December).

According to CA’s sector statistics report for the financial year 2018-2019, mobile subscriptions in Q2 grew to 49.5 million up from 46.6 million in the first quarter(July-September).

Data subscription during the period increased to 45.7 million from 42.2 million in the previous quarter, meaning Kenyans are increasingly getting connected to the internet.

This has created a field day for fraudsters who are taking advantage of innocent members of the public with little knowledge on cyber attacks.

The report …