Browsing: COP29

Climate finance COP29
  • Ahead of COP29, Africa’s climate finance strategy is based in three core pillars: scaling up adaptation funding, boosting mitigation efforts, and improving access to carbon markets.
  • Without financial support, Africa could experience an annual loss of 5% of its GDP by 2040 due to adverse weather.
  • While the stakes are high, populations across the continent will be watching to see how global powers will answer Africa’s plea.

As leaders from across the world ready to gather in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), Africa is rallying for a spirited push to secure climate finance deals at scale.

This agenda was unveiled at the 12th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa, hosted by Ivory Coast in Abidjan. This meeting was held on the sidelines of the 1oth Special Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN).

Bringing together stakeholders such as …