Browsing: Decarbonization

The United States' role in Africa's economic transformation

In recent years, Africa has emerged as a promising destination for global investment, with its vast natural resources, expanding consumer markets, and growing middle class. As the continent’s economies continue to strengthen and diversify, global players increasingly recognise the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships. The United States has significantly contributed to Africa’s economic transformation among these partners.…

DRC Mining
  • To transition from fossil fuels to cleaner more sustainable energy, we need innovation and new technology.
  • The earth has an array of minerals that carry huge energy potential that has little to do with burning.
  • The World Bank: Harnessing natural resource wealth provides an opportunity to improve fiscal and debt sustainability of African countries

The race to combat global climate change challenge is offering Africa a fresh opportunity to attract investments in the decarbonization industry as countries adopt clean energy. The known patterns are gone, we now have unpredictable weather changes and ever-so-frequent catastrophic weather events all caused by global climate change.

The effect is desertification where there was vegetation, floods where land was arid, melting glaciers from the North Pole to Kilimanjaro, famine, food insecurity, and disease, all because of the energy we used to industrialize, it is time for the energy transition.

To transition from fossil fuels to …

Glencore has been for over 10 years in the cross-hairs of Global Witness, a non-governmental organization and lobby group established in 1993 that works to break the links between natural resource exploitation, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide.
The organization has offices in London and Washington, D.C.
Global Witness has also in that time blown the whistle on what it describes as suspicious transactions and dealings in the DRC involving Glencore’s operations and its association with sanctioned businessman Dan Gertler.…