Browsing: EAC

EAC Monetary Affairs Committee
  • EAC Monetary Affairs Committee (MAC) meets every year to asses the region’s progess.
  • This year the MAC meeting will be held in Juba, South Sudan.
  • Sectors like fishing, timber, and agriculture have been identified as potential areas for growth and revenue generation.

East Africa Community governors of central banks are set to meet to assess the regions’ economic scorecard and avenues for investments. The chair of the EAC Monetary Affairs Committee James Alic Garang, who is the Bank of South Sudan governor said that single currency for the EA region will feature prominently in the deliberations.

This body meets annually, usually around April or March, to take stock of the progress and challenges along the path of establishing monetary union. This coming at a time that the East African Community member-states are in a race to harmonise critical policies and putt in place the institutions to attain a single currency …

Samia President Samia Tanzania President
  • In 2022, investments in Tanzania rose by $3.16 billion between July and November.
  • Currently, Tanzania has stable economic diplomatic relations with global economic giants, China and US.
  • Tanzania’s economy is expected to expand by 5.5 percent in 2024.

“Kazi Iendelee” Swahili term for “Let’s Proceed with Work” has become a national rallying call for progress in Tanzania under President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who is popularly referred by Mama Samia – a Swahili term of endearment and respect.

Even from foreign capitals, President Samia’s work is catching the eye of fellow leaders. When US Vice President Kamala Harris came visiting, she …

Tanzania oil import offer Uganda can't refuse, ship docked at Dar Port
  • Tanzania has offered the Uganda National Oil Company (Unoc) to use the Dar es Salaam port for oil importation.
  • This presents a strategic alternative amid the ongoing importation stalemate between Uganda and Kenya.
  • The legal dispute between Uganda and Kenya over oil importation policies is pending before the East African Court of Justice (EACJ), with indications that Uganda may withdraw the case.

Tanzania has stepped forward with an enticing proposition that Kampala finds hard to ignore, especially regarding the ongoing deadlock in Nairobi-Kampala oil imports.

Tanzania has extended an offer to the Uganda National Oil Company (Unoc) to utilise the Dar es Salaam port for its fuel importation needs. This development comes as Uganda explores alternatives in response to Kenya’s steadfast position on Kampala’s oil importation demands.

Uganda’s grievance at the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) remains pending amid these unfolding events, casting a shadow of uncertainty over …

East Africa's economic growth
  • Tanzania and Rwanda are warming up to set up second official border post.
  • Currently, Rwanda is the third largest user of Dar es Salaam port.
  • More than 80% of Rwanda’s cargo goes through the port of Dar es Salaam.

The push to foster EAC integration appears to be moving in a positive direction with Tanzania and Rwanda taking steps to enhance one of East Africa Community (EAC) pivotal goal, regional trade.

A top Tanzanian envoy has announced plans to open a new border post with Rwanda, as part of ongoing measures between the two countries to scale up the movement of labour, goods and services providers.

Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, January Makamba,  made the announcement at the end of his four-day state visit to Rwanda.

The Minister revealed that the proposed border crossing will be set up in Tanzania’s Kyerwa district in Kagera Region and …

Kenyan businesses and the threats of cybersecurity and corruption
  • Cybersecurity, corruption, and policy shifts have been cited among the top issues that Kenyan businesses will have to confront in 2024.
  • In 2022, Kenya suffered a loss of at least $153 million to cybercrime, which is projected to rise by 14 per cent annually.
  • A new report ranks Kenya as the second most difficult country for businesses in EAC after South Sudan.

Cybersecurity, corruption, and policy shifts have been cited among the top issues Kenyan businesses will have to confront in 2024.

The latest Risk Barometer by underwriting giant Allianz, reveals that in Kenya’s complex and dynamic business environment, several challenges loom, casting shadows on the entrepreneurial spirit that drives the economy.

The high cost of living directly impacts consumer spending, affecting businesses across sectors. A weakening currency coupled with inflation also threatens businesses and the economy.

According to Allianz Commercial CEO Petros Papanikolaou, the key challenges for companies …

Burundi and Rwanda relations
  • Burundi and Rwanda relations have hit a new low, with the Burundian government suspending ties with Rwanda, closing the Rwandan border.
  • The diplomatic row between Burundi and Rwanda has a complex history, with tensions dating back to the colonial era and continuing into the post-independence period.
  • The border closure further strains relations between Burundi and Rwanda, as well as the larger East African Community (EAC).

Burundi and Rwanda relations have hit a new low, with the Burundian government suspending ties with Rwanda, closing the Rwandan border, and “chasing” out Rwandese nationals.

Burundi has accused its neighbour of supporting rebel attacks in the region. The move comes after Burundi’s President Évariste Ndayishimiye accused Rwanda of backing the Red Tabara rebel group, which orchestrated an attack near Burundi’s western border, where 20 people lost their lives, including women and children.

“We have closed our borders (with Rwanda), anyone who tries to …

Kenya Looking to Boost Exports to $11.5Bn by 2028
  • The East African region and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) were the single biggest trade blocs that consumed Kenya’s exports.
  • According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the value of Kenya’s exports to the EAC totaled $496.7 million (Ksh77.9 billion) up from $431 million (Ksh67.7 billion).
  • There was an increase in earnings from exports to Uganda (27.7%), Tanzania (32.1%), South Sudan (64.4%) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (78.6%).

Kenya’s exports to her East African Community (EAC) neighbours increased in the third quarter of 2023, as the country continued to push volumes amid efforts to cut the high import bill.

This comes as Africa increasingly remained Kenya’s biggest export market, even as economies edge closer to operationalizing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The East African region and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) were the single biggest trade …

EAC COP 28 Climate Summit | Kenya at COP28
  • The East African Community (EAC) will approach the upcoming COP 28 Climate Summit, to be held in Dubai from November 30th to December 12th, 2023, as one bloc.
  • No country should have to choose between its development aspirations and climate change mitigation; there is a need for complementarity as opposed to competition among Partner States.
  • The move comes as the continent faces the most severe challenges, including the ongoing El-Nino floods and drought that have caused havoc due to climate change.

The East African Community has revealed its intention to present a united front at the upcoming COP 28 Climate Summit scheduled to take place in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, from November 30th to December 12th, 2023.

Addressing participants at the EAC High-Level Forum on Climate Change and Food Security in Arusha, Tanzania, EAC Secretary-General Peter Mathuki emphasized the significance of the EAC having a unified stance as it …

Taveta-Holili Border post | Kenya-Tanzania trade relations

Across East Africa’s vibrant economic landscape, Kenya and Tanzania hold a prominent position as both trading partners but also nations engaging in a fierce economic rivalry. Collectively, the two countries collaborate in business, yet never-ending feuds often erupt into disruptions that hurt cross-border trade. Overall, their trade wars slow regional integration while limiting the nations’ ability to exploit the full potential of the East Africa Community (EAC) market.…

Pamoja AFCON Bid 2027

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has selected Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to host the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) over bids from Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Botswana, and Egypt. The East Africa joint bid, commonly called the “Pamoja AFCON Bid,” has won the hosting rights for the 2027 AFCON as Morocco takes the rights for the 2025 showpiece.

CAF president Patrice Motsepe announced the news on Wednesday morning, 27 September, shortly after the body held an executive committee meeting in its headquarters in Cairo, Egypt. Recommendations from several nations boosted the East Africa Pamoja AFCON Bid. In a move that will elate East African sports enthusiasts, the CAF Executive Committee chose the Pamoja Afcon Bid.…