Browsing: European Court of Human Rights

Asylum Rwanda
  • A court of Appeal in the UK has termed unlawful the plan to deport thousands of asylum seekers to Rwanda.
  • Authorities in Kigali say Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world.
  • British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under increasing pressure to counter massive waves on immigrants landing on UK shores.

The ruling by UK Court of Appeal that Rwanda is not a safe country for asylum seekers has left authorities in Kigali angry after judges cast doubt on the East African Community member country’s security and ability to host people fleeing persecution from their homelands.

Putting refugees at risk

The UK government is accused of putting refugees at risk by deporting them to a nation that does not defend the rights or safety of political opponents. Authorities in Rwanda are, however, reacting angrily to the Court of Appeal’s decision.

Yolande Makolo, a spokeswoman for the Rwandan government, …