Browsing: Fishing industry in Africa

Tanzania fisheries
    • Over 4 million Tanzanians are employed in fisheries, which contribute about 1.4 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
    • Tanzania is among Africa’s top 10 fish producers.
    • Tanzania will host the Africa Small Scale Fisheries (SSF) Summit.

    Tanzania fisheries are an essential revenue generator for the country. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the fishing sector directly and indirectly provides jobs for over four million Tanzanians. Still, these small-scale fishermen are among the poorest groups in the country.

    Tanzania is also reported to be one of the top 10 countries in Africa in capture fish production; however, given its size, colossal coastline, and numerous inland lakes and water bodies, Tanzania is far from reaching its fisheries’ true potential.

    The Ministry estimates Tanzania’s coastline to be about 1,242 kilometres long, extending from the North bordering Kenya to the South bordering Mozambique. The country also has a territorial