Browsing: Food wastage in Africa

Africa's cold storage industry hotbeds
  • The Middle East and Africa cold chain market will expand by 7.4% to $35.1 Billion by 2028.
  • Over one third of food from Africa is lost to spoilage or wastage partly due to poor storage capacity.
  • Studies show that leading cause of food wastage is spoilage due to lack of cold storage systems.

The demand for cold storage supply chain products in Africa is rapidly growing. The segment has been tipped as critical in solving the food insecurity crisis ravaging the continent of 1. (Phentermine) 4 billion people. Rise of cold storage systems is also attributable to growing demand from consumers as Africa’s urbanization and modernization intensifies.

According to Market Data Forecast, the size of the Middle East and Africa (MEA) cold chain market will expand at a CAGR of 7.4 per cent to $35.1 billion by 2028 from 23.8B of 2022. The bellwether for this trajectory has