Browsing: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

STEM Education
  • Kenya’s education sector is set to receive nearly $32 million of investment from the United States to support new partnerships between the two countries.
  • part of the investment, $850,000, will go towards supporting the Ed-tech Africa initiative
  • The funding includes a new $24.5 million early-grade literacy program.
  • USAID Counselor Clinton White signed the deal alongside Kenyan Prime Cabinet Secretary Wycliffe Mudavadi.

STEM education is a teaching approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics related fields. Kenya’s education sector is set to receive nearly $32 million of investment from the United States to support new partnerships between the two countries. This is to drive innovation, research, and job growth in the country’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related fields.

The funding announcement was made during the strategic partnership signing event in Atlanta, USA, during President William Ruto’s four-day US visit.

The US expects the deal signed on Tuesday to …