Browsing: Impact of Orange Super App Max it on e-commerce in Africa

Max it Orange
  • Orange’s Max it is a “super-app” designed to be a portal for mobile services that simplifies the digital experience and eases the achievement of daily activities.
  • The super app is set to debut in five countries Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Botswana across Africa. By 2025, Orange projects to have 45 million active users.
  • The app brings together account functionalities, Orange Money, and an e-commerce platform offering digital content.

Following the steady uptake of My Orange and Orange Money applications, which are used by more than 22 million customers on a daily basis, French telecommunications giant Orange is introducing its super-app: Max it.

According to the telco, Max it is an innovative application that seamlessly integrates telecommunications, financial services, and e-commerce to address all the daily requirements of its users.

Developed by the Orange teams in Africa with the African customer in mind, Max it, is set to …