Browsing: National Bank of Rwanda

National Bank of Rwanda
  • The National Bank of Rwanda has reported a surge in bank borrowers attributable to intensified awareness campaigns, and the introduction of innovative products.
  • The regulator reports a 40 per cent surge in the number of depositors in commercial banks.
  • However, borrowers in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and Saccos experienced a 15 per cent decline.

Rwanda’s financial services industry witnessed a remarkable uptick in the number of individuals accessing loans from commercial banks, with a 39 per cent rise recorded over 12 months ending on June 30, 2023. This surge was underpinned by proactive measures instituted by the central bank to enhance financial inclusivity in an economy historically dominated by informal and traditional savings mechanisms.

Data released by the National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) reveals a substantial growth in bank borrowers, escalating from 683,851 in June 2022 to 949,778 in June 2023. In contrast, the number of borrowers in microfinance institutions (MFIs) …

East Africa's insurance sector
  • East Africa’s insurance sector regulators held the 7th Special Meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCo)of the East African Insurers Supervisors Association (EAISA) in Kenya on Friday.
  • The East African insurance supervisors have resolved to promote the development of cross-border insurance products and services jointly.
  • The members have also agreed to coordinate joint innovation initiatives relating to insurance development in member states.

Joint resolve for East Africa’s insurance sector supervisors 

The East African insurance supervisors have resolved to jointly promote the development of cross-border insurance products and services to address the challenges of low insurance uptake and penetration in the region.

The members have also agreed to coordinate joint innovation initiatives relating to insurance development in member states.

Working under the auspices of the East African Insurance Supervisors Association (EAISA), the supervisors, at their 7th Special Meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCo) meeting held in Eldoret, Kenya, also agreed to employ …

Elias Omondi Senior Manager Risk Regulations at FSD Africa
  • The pioneering accelerator programme aims to grow insurance coverage among low-income consumers by investing in innovative solutions in nine African countries.  
  •  The expanded pan-African program is designed to support entrepreneurs in developing innovative solutions for the insurance sector.
  •  It targets Insurtech (insurance technology) innovations from Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. 
  •  The expansion of BimaLab is supported by $500,000 financing from the Swiss Re Foundation.

FSD Africa has partnered with the Swiss Re Foundation and the National Bank of Rwanda to launch BimaLab Africa Acceleration Programme to raise insurance uptake among low-income consumers in nine countries across the continent.

The expanded pan-African program is designed to support entrepreneurs in developing innovative solutions for Insurtech (insurance technology) innovations from Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

The expansion of BimaLab is supported by $500,000 financing from the Swiss Re Foundation, which is among the …