Browsing: President Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan

Africa's greatest transportation corridor
  • President Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan is leading Tanzania to become Africa’s greatest transportation corridor. 
  • The comprehensive transportation developments in Tanzania are strategically designed to boost economic growth, enhance regional trade, and foster regional integration.
  • Tanzania faces challenges in financing and meeting construction timelines for its ambitious projects.

In the heart of East Africa, a remarkable transformation is unfolding. Led by President Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan, Tanzania is emerging as a formidable economic powerhouse on the continent. Under her stewardship, the nation strategically harnesses its geographic location and embarks on ambitious infrastructure projects that promise to redefine its role regionally and globally.

With a visionary approach, President Suluhu Hassan is steering Tanzania towards becoming Africa’s most significant transportation corridor. This transformation is anchored in large-scale investments in transportation infrastructure, encompassing rail, road, air, and sea connectivity. These initiatives reflect an acute understanding of the pivotal role that efficient, modern transportation systems …