Browsing: Renewable energy in Tanzania

Tanzania power cuts
  • Climate change is causing droughts, which, in turn, are to blame for the persistent power cuts in Tanzania.
  • To address this challenge, Tanzania projects that completing the 2,115MW Julius Nyerere hydropower dam will double the country’s hydro capacity.
  • Currently, approximately 95 per cent of Tanzanian households rely on biomass for fuel.

Tanzania power cuts are becoming increasingly common, with blame apportioned to poor infrastructure maintenance, drought, flooding, and huge gaps in the country’s electricity production.

The net effect is, however, all too obvious: millions of dollars in lost opportunities for families and businesses as they are forced to endure long hours without electricity.

The irony is that Tanzania enjoys one of the biggest energy potentials in Africa, enough to produce adequate electricity for domestic needs and exports.

“Maintenance issues and climate change-induced water shortages have caused a 400-megawatt electricity shortfall in Tanzania, triggering power rationing across the East African nation,” …