Browsing: Status of EAC free trade zone

free trade zone distribution hurdles
  • The EAC’s distribution sector is marred by systemic challenges, despite claims of a working free trade zone in the bloc.
  • Stakeholders say that persistent bottlenecks hamper the flow of goods and services across the eight-member area.
  • A recent EU-led EAC Peer-to-Peer Learning Conference sought to formulate a strategic action plan to address barriers limiting the industry’s growth and development.

The East African Community (EAC) is an eight-country strong regional free trade bloc in East Africa, by definition, it should mean easier movement or distribution of goods and services, but that’s only true on paper, the reality on the ground is quite on the contrary.

EAC maintains that it is “dedicated to enhancing economic efficiency and fostering regional integration through strategic investments and the utilization of established industries. The goal is to position the Community as a single investment area, harmonizing trade policies, investment incentives, and product standards.”

Protocols demand that …