Browsing: SWITCH To Green

African countries are urged to adopt Circular model of production/consumption as the basis to building sustainable economies.

To push and advocate to circular economy uptake around the globe, the European Union (EU) launched the SWITCH to Circular Economy Value Chains project. The SWITCH to Green (S2G) project is designed to accelerate the uptake of circular practices.

SWITCH aims to improve the business environment and targets value chain actors to increase awareness as the basis to facilitate transformation.

“The overall objective is to support the circular economy transition, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, low carbon and climate resilient development, decent jobs’ creation, and safer, healthier and pollution-free environment,”

The project is designed to deliver tools and services to support the overall coherence and coordination of the EU international partnerships in the green circular economy model. The SWITCH to Green Facility experts work to provide direct support in integrating the Circular Economy across the related value chains from the producers to the final consumers.…