Browsing: African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)

China-Africa trade grip
  • For the first time, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) came to Africa, with Nairobi playing host last week.
  • According to the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, the forum is expected to spread across the continent, with different countries hosting it in the coming years.
  • The Asian country is keen to continue its influence and trade dominance on the African continent.

China has launched a charm offensive on Africa in renewed efforts to tighten its grip on the continent. The West has recently shown growing interest in political and investment corporations, and China is seen as keen to continue its influence on the continent.

For the first time, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) came to Africa, with Nairobi playing host last week. According to the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, it is expected to go around the continent, with …

President Ruto
  • US Congress members ask Speaker Mike Johnson to invite President Ruto to address the assembly.
  • President Ruto will be visiting the US on May 23 to mark 60 years of US-Kenya diplomatic ties.
  • If invited, President Ruto would become the first Kenyan Head of State to address a joint session of US Congress.

In a historic plan highlighting the deepening ties between the United States and Kenya, House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul (Republican – Texas) and Ranking Member Gregory Meeks (Democrat – New York) have jointly sent a letter to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (Republican – Los Angeles, asking him to extend a formal invitation to President William Ruto of Kenya to address a joint session of Congress during his upcoming visit to the US, slated later in May.

“This year, we are celebrating the historic 60-year anniversary of the U.S.-Kenya diplomatic relationship. Such an invitation …

US-Africa trade relations
  • Continuing from the discussion of evolving US-Africa trade relations, a key aspect of this dynamic is the strategic objective of countering Chinese influence on the continent.
  • By 2024, Africa is poised to undergo a significant shift in geopolitical and economic dynamics, emerging as a crucial arena for global powers such as China and the US.
  • The evolving focus on Africa is driven by its transforming economic landscape, marked by rapid growth, a youthful population, and abundant resources, attracting attention from major players seeking strategic advantages.

By 2024, Africa will have witnessed the beginning of a new age in the geopolitical and economic dynamics of the world. In recent years, the continent has shifted its focus from humanitarian issues and developmental assistance to becoming an important strategic arena for the world’s leading powers, particularly China and the US. Several elements are coming together to highlight Africa’s growing importance internationally, driving this …

Agoa US Africa Relations

The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has played a pivotal role in the economic relations between the US and Africa. Since its enactment by the US Congress in 2000, Agoa has offered African nations preferential access to American markets, promoting trade and economic growth. In recent years, however, AGOA has become a focal point in the intensifying competition between the US and China for influence in Africa.…


Four African countries are staring at huge losses running into billions of dollars starting January 2024 following their expulsion from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The move will further worsen the unemployment crisis in the affected countries. Agoa offers thousands of jobs in apparels industry, especially to the youth.…

  • Investment and trade between the two countries was valued at more than $600 million last year.
  • Kenya’s exports last year increased to $7.9 million from $6.3 million in 2021, the country’s Economic Survey 2023 indicates.
  • Imports from Indonesia were valued at $187.7 million having dropped from $307.5 million the previous year.

Kenya is now keen to increase trade volumes mainly exports to the Asean market, with its renewed ties with Indonesia. President William Ruto said investment scope will also be broadened to bring about a balance of trade that is currently in favour of the Southeast Asian country.

“We will seize our energies and create the necessary environment for increased trade between our countries,” President Ruto said on Monday.

Investment and trade between the two countries was valued at more than $600 million last year. Indonesian economy registered a growth of  5.3 per cent in 2022 compared to of …

Kenya-CNN Promotion project.
  • 20 investments  in manufacturing, ICT, energy, health and agri-business have been signed in past two months.
  • Latest Kenya-US trade ties place the East African country at a pole position on attracting more American dollars.
  • Since President William Ruto took office in September 2022, Kenya-US engagements have been on a full throttle.

Deepening Kenya-US trade ties have started to pay dividends as American firms move to invest in East Africa’s largest economy. With modern infrastructure, and skilled labour force, Kenya offers one of the best opportunities for US investors eyeing the region.

Currently, Kenya is the second most preferred destination by Americans seeking to invest in Africa. The 2023 US government review shows Kenya hosts 142 American firms while Nigeria has 195 conglomerates.

Latest developments, however, place Kenya at a pole position in attracting more American investors in the short to medium-term.

Deepening Kenya-US bilateral ties

Since President William Ruto took …

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  • President William Ruto is seen to be leaning more towards the West as opposed to his predecessor and former boss Uhuru Kenyatta, who had built a strong relationship with Asian countries.
  • During Mr Kenyatta’s 10-years rule, China became a major financier and developer of key projects among them the $3.6 billion Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).
  • China and India have also been dominating the country’s trade as the Asian market accounts for 65.7 per cent of Kenya’s total import bill.

Since coming into office in September last year, Kenya’s fifth President William Ruto has been keen on building and expanding alliances with countries that can help foster trade that remains in favour of foreign nations.

An interesting facet, however, has been his renewed interest in the United States and Europe, in what is seen as a slow but sure move to attract more investments while growing market for Kenya’s exports, manly …

  • The influx of used clothes from the west in effect affects the development of textile industries in the EAC
  • Five years later, a new administration, Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war not to mention a stronger China economy, the US may reconsider EAC state’s position.
  • EA States have 2 years to consider if they want AGOA renewed

In 2015, all major economies in East Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia proposed to ban the importation of second-hand clothes but the US would have none of it.

The intention was good, even noble: Banning second-hand imports would strengthen the domestic textile industry which would create jobs and other positive ripple effects.

“The US claimed this proposal goes too far and violates the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which aims to expand trade and investment on the continent,” the media reported.

Once the US pulled the AGOA card, the East African …

Kenya's president Ruto

Kenya’s President William Ruto has asked his Cabinet Secretaries to act fast to deliver on his administration’s development programmes, “with speed and efficiency”.

“We made important promises to the people of Kenya, especially those at the bottom of the economic pyramid. And we must deliver,” the president said.

According to Ruto, there are no excuses not to deliver his mandate adding that the government must work as a team and drive the interests of the people.

He was speaking at a cabinet retreat on the implementation of the government’s development priorities for 2023.

In the run up to the August 2022 General Elections, Ruto gave a number of promises under his bottoms-up economic plan.He unveiled a five-point manifesto dubbed ‘The Plan’, which he said would address Kenya’s economic challenges.

Economic recovery in a post-Covid era was one of his main objectives. Ruto also pledged to invest at least Sh250 billion …