Browsing: China

Kenya's import business
  • In the first three months of this year, Asia remained the leading source of Kenya’s imports accounting for goods worth $3.4 billion, as the country’s import bill closed the quarter at $5.4 billion.
  • Kenyan traders and government imported goods worth $990.2 million from China, data by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows, making it the biggest import source by country.
  • Unlike his predecessors, President Ruto is seen to lean more towards the West as he seeks financing and trade cooperation.

Kenya’s imports from Asian countries including China

China and India remained the top exporters to Kenya in the first quarter of this year, leading other Far East nations in retaining a firm grip on the East African economic powerhouse’s trade and investment space, which they have dominated for over a decade.

This trend continues despite President William Ruto’s heightened charm offensive to economies from the West, which is …

Tanzania railway
  • New investment in Tanzania’s railways sector is expected to directly benefit nearly 900,000 people and indirectly impact an estimated 3.5 million.
  • Tanzania operates two railway systems, totaling 3,682 km in length.


Tanzania railway sector is poised for immense growth as the World Bank poured significant funding by approving $200 million in financing from the International Development Association (IDA) which is a part of the bank.


According to available information from the World Bank statement made on Friday, the bank said the financing for the second phase of the Tanzania Intermodal and Rail Development Project (TIRP-2) will improve safety, climate resilience, and operational efficiency along this railway segment.


Read also: AfDB approves $696.4M financing for Tanzania-Burundi-DRC railway project

Tanzania railway plan anchored on Dar- Morogoro SGR

The funding comes a few weeks after Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) began its inaugural trial journey of the electric Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train

Africa's natural resources
  • Africa is loosing out on bad minerals for loan deals, AfDB warns.
  • AfDB is developing initiatives to  help countries’ address the bad loans.
  • China alleged to be the leader in bad minerals for loan deals with Africa.

Africa’s natural resources are being traded for loans from international lenders and that is why the continent is underdeveloped, the Head of the African Development Bank, Dr Akinwumi Adesina, has decried.


In an interview with The Associated Press in Lagos, Nigeria, Dr Adesina called for an end to “loans given in exchange for the continent’s rich supplies of oil or critical minerals used in smartphones and electric car batteries.”


The Head of Africa’s biggest lending bank, AfDB, said some countries have gained control over mineral mining in places such as Congo and have left some African countries in financial crisis owing to such ‘mineral for loans deals.’


“They are just bad, first

Africa's debt sustainability
  • AFRODAD and SADC have joined hands to boost Africa’s debt sustainability by cushioning highly indebted countries.
  • Between 2004 and 2018, 30 African countries signed natural resource-backed loans worth $66 billion.
  • China has emerged as a critical player in debt owed by African States, with an increasing percentage of debt now in resource-backed loans.

Boosting Africa’s debt sustainability

The African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) has entered into a debt sustainability pact with the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum to cushion governments from debt distress.

The move aimed to bolster financial stability and debt management strategies across Africa, with the continent’s total external debt hitting $1.13 trillion in October last year.

Highly indebted African countries continuously face stark trade-offs between servicing expensive debt, supporting high and growing development needs, and stabilising domestic currencies.

Government debt has risen in at least 40 African countries over the past decade. …

US-Africa trade relations
  • Continuing from the discussion of evolving US-Africa trade relations, a key aspect of this dynamic is the strategic objective of countering Chinese influence on the continent.
  • By 2024, Africa is poised to undergo a significant shift in geopolitical and economic dynamics, emerging as a crucial arena for global powers such as China and the US.
  • The evolving focus on Africa is driven by its transforming economic landscape, marked by rapid growth, a youthful population, and abundant resources, attracting attention from major players seeking strategic advantages.

By 2024, Africa will have witnessed the beginning of a new age in the geopolitical and economic dynamics of the world. In recent years, the continent has shifted its focus from humanitarian issues and developmental assistance to becoming an important strategic arena for the world’s leading powers, particularly China and the US. Several elements are coming together to highlight Africa’s growing importance internationally, driving this …

UAE Banks Federation
  • Around 200 countries have agreed on how to run the Climate Loss and Damage Fund to help vulnerable nations address more extreme weather conditions.
  • Germany and the UAE have pledged $100 million each to the climate damages initiative.
  • The World Bank will host the Climate Loss and Damage Fund on a trial basis. 

Around 200 countries have agreed on how to run the Climate Loss and Damage Fund to help vulnerable nations address more extreme weather conditions. Consequently, rich nations have pledged at least $260 million to kickstart the program, making a breakthrough as global climate deliberations opened in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Delegates at the COP28 summit on Thursday adopted a framework for the World Bank to host the Loss and Damage Fund following months of negotiations. This year’s host, the UAE, indicated it would contribute $100 million, adding another $100 million from Germany. The United Kingdom …

Russia-Africa ties
  • In recent years, Moscow has focused on building new Russia-Africa ties.
  • Russia is interested in searching for new economic markets and geopolitical influence in Africa.
  • Russia’s trade with African economies stood at only $18 billion in 2022.

In recent years, Moscow has focused on building new Russia-Africa ties. Russia is invigorating alliances developed during the Cold War when the former Soviet Union supported socialist movements across Africa.

Following the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, Moscow largely withdrew from the continent. However, since at least 2007, Russia has refocused its involvement and influence in Africa.

Over the years, Russia has contracted with over 30 African countries to provide military equipment and armaments. Businesses, including state-backed commercial interests, have invested significantly in technology security sectors and industries that extract natural resources, including oil, gas, gold, and other minerals.

“Russia is clearly interested, in search of new economic markets and geopolitical influence in …

Climate Funding

A considerable gap exists between symbol and substance regarding an African climate change approach. Foreign leaders often nod to how Africa accounts for only four per cent of global emissions but bears the brunt of the devastating climate change effects. Rising temperatures, extreme weather conditions, and ecosystem disruptions threaten millions of Africans’ livelihoods.

For many communities across the continent, the climate threat is already existential. With 18 per cent of the global population, Africa has 16 of the 20 countries most vulnerable to climate change, according to Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative.…

XI Jinping in South Africa China state visit in South Africa
  • Heads of State from China, Brazil, and India, except Russia will attend the 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg South Africa, starting August 22.
  • President Vladimir Putin will participate in the summit virtually but will be represented in Johannesburg by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
  • The bloc is also expected to discuss how to boost local currency fundraising and lending within the New Development Bank.

The five nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) are now a band of economies showcasing their ambition to maximize their emerging economies potential, across geopolitics axis. In one day time, heads of state from China, Brazil, and India, (except Russia) will attend the 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg South Africa from August 22-24.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are expected to discuss a number of items as …