Browsing: clean energy infrastructure in Africa

energy transition
  • Africa is still in the early stages of the energy transition, and this includes the economic, financial, and societal aspects.
  • Across economies, many of the technologies to produce low-emissions steel are relatively nascent, with issues to solve.
  • Increasingly, policymakers are realizing that making energy transition from fossils to clean energy is costly.

Net-zero, an energy transition from traditional sources of fuel that pollute the environment to green energy and renewable sources, is the new global call for companies and organizations.

So far, there has been tremendous momentum, especially in the adoption of wind and solar power, electric cars, heat pumps. Climate finance has started to flow, albeit slowly to the Global South, and many companies have made considerable commitments.

“But right now, the world at large is only at about 10 per cent of the deployment of physical assets, that is, the technologies and infrastructure that we will need to …