Browsing: Climate crisis: The Impact of El Niño on Malawi

Climate crisis
  • This funds will support an estimated 235,000 households in Malawi’s Lower Shire and Southern regions.
  • The ongoing El Niño phenomenon in Malawi is one of the worst on record that has wreaked havoc on families.
  • By September 2024, a total of $62M in disaster risk insurance payouts will go to countries affected by El Niño in Southern Africa.

In the face of a roiling climate crisis, drought-hit families in Malawi have received a lifeline in the form of a $11.2 million insurance payout. This critical support, facilitated by the African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group and the African Development Bank (AfDB), aims to help Malawi recover from the devastating effects of a severe drought brought on by the 2024 El Niño weather pattern.

The funds will help provide much-needed relief to hundreds of thousands of households across the Southern African country, highlighting the urgent need for proactive climate risk management strategies …