Browsing: d.light in Kenya

d.light's clean cookstove
  • Global verification body Verra certifies d.light’s clean cookstove projects in Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria.
  • Initiative to distribute 600,000 clean cookstoves, which are now verified by leading certifiers as a trusted source of high-quality carbon credits.
  • Launched in 2022, these projects have already positively impacted over one million lives and are on track to transform the lives of three million people by 2025. 

d.light’s clean cookstove initiatives

In a landmark move that helps advance the journey towards sustainable development and environmental health in Africa, d.light, a firm that provides innovative solutions for low-income households, has achieved a milestone with its projects receiving certification from Verra as a trusted source of high-quality carbon credits.

This certification marks d.light’s clean cookstove initiatives in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda as crucial players in the voluntary carbon markets (VCMs), aiming to reduce carbon emissions, combat indoor air pollution, and curb deforestation.

Addressing environmental challenges, and earning