Browsing: digital health solutions provider

Kenyan health startup Afya Rekod partners with Medi-Science to improve personal health data in Africa and Europe

An analytical telemedicine system is provided by MediLiVes; the system aims to reduce the time and money required for medical tests.

MediLiVes is a forward-thinking project that provides telemedicine solutions that are one-of-a-kind and cutting-edge.

One of the fields experiencing the most rapid expansion worldwide is telemedicine, which is built on technology that allows for a patient’s health status to be monitored from a distance.…


Digital health solutions provider Carepay has this week announced a new partnership with Jubilee Health Jubilee Health Insurance.

The Kenyan based company which operates M-TIBA platform says the partnership will see them roll out Jubilee’s digital insurance products on the M-TIBA platform.

The partners are currently developing a new range of mobile-first health policies for groups, saccos and chamas.

Under the new deal, Jubilee Health Insurance customers will be able to sign up and manage their health policies through M-TIBA’s mobile interface.

CarePay is also providing digital services through M-TIBA, including new member outreach, on boarding, claims handling and payments integration.

The partners are predicting that the rollout of convenient and cost-effective digital capabilities will support the growth of Kenya’s retail insurance segment by enabling more seamless product bundling and much wider access.

Jubilee Health Insurance Dr. Patrick Gatonga noted that there exists a lot of unexploited opportunities for insurers …