Browsing: Environmental sustainability

The African Blue Economy

Africa seeks economic prosperity rooted in sustainable development and inclusive growth. Appropriate governance and exploitation of the latent potential in the African blue economy can accelerate economic growth. Consequently, this can help alleviate poverty throughout the continent.…

While the world is building off the hype that going green or carbon offsets are the new future, we here in Africa are building a pipeline aimed to continue to destroy the earth. Is it fair then that Africa doesn't really matter in the grand "reset" of the global order, where western countries and companies are coming to dictate what needs to be done in Africa, as a means to drive profit? Much needs to be considered as we Africans are moving toward building energy economies.

It is the 21st Century, twenty plus years into the new millennium; we are a civilized learned people. We have digitized, gone paperless, our phones are smarter than us and we drive, or rather are driven by electric cars. …

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