Browsing: Ethio telecom revenue

Ethio Telecom records rise in revenue amid pandemic

Ethio Telecom through its performance report showed that its revenue this year saw a 105.1 per cent boost over the company’s target for the year, which is an increase of 31. ( 4  per cent compared to 2019.

The company, which is the only telecom company in Ethiopia last week announced that it had earned $ 1.3 billion in total revenue in the 2012 Ethiopian budget year which ran from July 1, 2019, to June 30.

According to the report, international services generated $147.7 million, a 107 per cent jump from the target and a five per cent rise from 2019.

During this fiscal year, the major payments the telecom made were $321 million in taxes and $113 million in dividends paid to the government. The telecom also paid $318.4 million towards projects carried out by Vender Financial Modeling,  payments which were never transferred to the next budget.…