Browsing: European Commission

Lobito Corridor

The Lobito Corridor represents a significant transport infrastructure project in Africa. The project will now become a reality with the backing of the US. Moreover, this is one of the projects through which Washington seeks to strengthen its investment ties on the continent. This project entails a transportation network that links northwest Zambia to Angola’s Benguela railway, ultimately connecting to the strategic Lobito port, the second largest seaport in oil-rich Angola.…

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  • President William Ruto is seen to be leaning more towards the West as opposed to his predecessor and former boss Uhuru Kenyatta, who had built a strong relationship with Asian countries.
  • During Mr Kenyatta’s 10-years rule, China became a major financier and developer of key projects among them the $3.6 billion Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).
  • China and India have also been dominating the country’s trade as the Asian market accounts for 65.7 per cent of Kenya’s total import bill.

Since coming into office in September last year, Kenya’s fifth President William Ruto has been keen on building and expanding alliances with countries that can help foster trade that remains in favour of foreign nations.

An interesting facet, however, has been his renewed interest in the United States and Europe, in what is seen as a slow but sure move to attract more investments while growing market for Kenya’s exports, manly …

Dakar, Senegal public transport
  • Europe has announced plans to invest $340 million in upgrading Dakar’s Public Transport Network in Senegal.
  • The financial support will be focused on the restructuring of the Dakar bus network.
  • It covers 14 priority lines and includes the acquisition of 380 buses.

Europe has announced plans to invest $340 million in upgrading Dakar’s Public Transport Network in Senegal aimed at helping the country tackle environmental challenges by providing cleaner, safe and affordable public transport.

The project dubbed Global Gateway will be conducted by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with the support of the European Commission, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the KfW development bank (Germany) on behalf of the German federal ministry for economic cooperation and development.

The financial support will be focused on the restructuring of the Dakar bus network. It covers 14 priority lines and includes the acquisition of 380 buses, the construction of two depots, the …

EU-Africa Relations

Over the past years, Ethiopia has become one of the primary beneficiaries of the EU Trust Fund for Africa.

According to information from European Commission, in total, the value of EU development assistance to Ethiopia has averaged an estimated 214 Euro ($225 million) per year. 

However, when Ethiopia was dragged down through the most gruesome internal political turmoil – the Tigray War – relations between the Horn of Africa and the EU was at an all-time low.  

The EU followed close on the heels of Ethiopia’s close development partner, the United States, and threatened sanctions on the Ethiopian government in a deliberate attempt to quench the conflict.  …

A coal powered plant in South Africa. South Africa is currently Africa's largest emitter of greenhouse emissions.

Gabon is one of few countries with a carbon-negative economy, thanks to the Congo Basin’s immense tropical forests, which absorb more greenhouse gases than the country’s companies, cars, and towns emit.

It just approved an ambitious climate law to ensure that its economic bases are on forests and agriculture rather than fossil fuels.

Outside assistance is required to attain this goal so that the government can continue to enhance living standards.
Many African countries rely on coal for electricity and have refused to sign a declaration signed by more than 40 countries this week calling for an end to the most polluting of fossil fuels. …

European Investment Bank and UNICEF partnership

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and UNICEF announced a new partnership aimed at increasing access to quality education and protecting children from climate change.

Under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by EIB Group President Werner Hoyer and UNICEF Executive Director, Henrietta Fore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the two institutions are committed to jointly investing in quality education and skills training for the most vulnerable children. Community-based climate adaptation initiatives in schools and health facilities will be scaled up by both institutions.

“The social agenda of this European Commission aims for a more certain future for our children and young people. We want to protect them from poverty and make sure they have access to the skills and training they need to navigate the green and digital transitions. Nobody should be left behind. I welcome today’s agreement between the EIB and UNICEF which captures that very same ethos.” …