Browsing: Fourth Industrial Revolution

Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Africa must invest in human development to catch up to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).
  • There is a need for policy commitment to developing Africa’s human resources.
  • Investing in education is the only way Africa will catch up to the 4IR.

With the majority of its workforce unskilled, Africa is again left behind. At the same time, the rest of the World moves forth in the fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).“African countries must support skills training and put in place the right policies to tap the benefits of the fourth Industrial Revolution,” advises Raymond Gilpin.

The economist believes that by investing in its most significant resource, Africa can strategically catch up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).It requires dedicated policymaking focused on raising a generation of skilled labour capable of participating in and innovating digital revolutions in all sectors. By investing in transforming its human skills, Africa can …

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), about the size of Western Europe, is sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest nation with great economic potential.

The challenge facing the EAC is not the lack of natural resources but the lack of high-tech industries. China is a perfect example of a country that transformed from an agricultural civilisation to an industrial one. More than 850 million individuals have been lifted out of poverty due to recent economic growth brought about by China’s industrialisation.

Without involvement in the fourth industrial revolution, the East African Community would never be able to escape its state of backwardness. Therefore, the DRC will catalyse industrial transformation inside the East African Community, Africa and the world.…

4IR Tech adoption and use leaves many Africans unemployed.

Within the service industry, 4IR creates a potential for new goods and processes enabled by technology. As demand develops in lockstep with income, possibilities exist as African countries resume economic growth. Because technology complements rather than replaces labour in many service industries where formal companies and employment dominate, the adoption of technology should develop new formal wage positions for young and educated job seekers.

Adoption of 4IR technology may also result in improvements in job quality (e.g., earnings, income security) in the large non-farm informal sector (63 per cent of total employment)—for example, by the use of online stores and channels to find customers and satisfy their needs safely and efficiently.…

The potential of the fourth industrial revolution in Africa

The potential of the fourth industrial revolution in Africa report shows an African tech sector taking flight the report was funded by the African Development Bank.

The Technopolis Group carried out research and study of the report. The report was presented during a seminar hosted by the African Development Bank last week.

According to the report, in 2019, approximately 6,500 technology start-ups were identified in Africa, among which about 10% develop applications that characterize the fourth industrial revolution.

Francie Sadeski, partner and lead in emerging markets at Technopolis, said the foundation has been laid for the fourth industrial revolution.

“The figures exceed forecasts and indicate that the basis for Africa’s growth into the fourth industrial revolution is already there,” she said during a presentation on the report.

By 2019, the report notes that venture capital of more than $100 million was invested in African Internet of Things start-ups making it …

Uganda’s innovation push is driving development - The Exchange
Uganda’s use of innovation to solve social challenges drive its development and creates new employment opportunities, Dr. Ruhakana Ruganda, Prime Minister of Uganda, said during the Global Business Forum Africa, GBF Africa 2019, in Dubai.
Speaking during an opening session, Dr. Ruganda discussed on how Uganda is fostering innovation and technology to unlock its economic potential.
He gave an example of mobile technology being used to register and track valuable data, improve access to education and address existing issues.
“These efforts in innovation taking place in Uganda – especially by the younger generation – are also being replicated in similar settings in a number of African counties in East Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa and North Africa,” Dr Ruganda said.
While discussing Uganda’s need to create 600,000 jobs every year for the next 10 and Uganda’s new programme set to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Dr