Browsing: genocide

Rwanda elections
  • Results show that long-serving Paul Kagame has floored his challengers, garnering 99% of the presidential vote.
  • This move gives Kagame a new 7-year term, and another chance to solve the persistent Rwanda-DRC conflict.
  • Rwanda-DRC conflict has evolved into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises in the world.

Rwanda Elections

Early results show that President Paul Kagame has beaten his challengers, garnering a jaw dropping 99.1 percent of the presidential votes cast on Monday, July 15, 2024. Kagame, who has been at the helm of Rwanda’s governance since 1994 secured victory by a similar margin in 2017.

His main challengers Democratic Green Party’s Frank Habineza and independent Philippe Mpayimana got 0.53 percent and 0.32 percent of the vote respectively.

According to Rwanda’s National Electoral Commission, about nine million people out of a population of 14 million were registered to vote. This represents an increase of two million voters compared to …