Browsing: Green finance

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  • Importance of Green Finance in Africa
  • The role of Green Bonds to drive infrastructure development in Africa
  • Why Green Bonds are good for countries such as Kenya and Nigeria

Africa’s renewables sector is now beginning to take off, as green bonds are creating an opportunity for Africa to generate more of the finance it needs for renewable energy projects itself. Despite this, Africa is still dependent on non-African investors to purchase a significant portion of the bonds that are currently available.

In recent weeks, we have heard about the emergence of Green Bonds in Africa. Kenya has issued its first Green Bond in 2019 and Nigeria has also recently gotten on board. We will take a look at these new green finance instruments and their potential impact on African countries. In the meantime, we’ll also discuss the importance of green finance in Africa and the role that Green Bonds …

For Africa to tackle the climate menace, it needs concerted efforts from all the above parties for desired outcomes to be reaped.

The scope of green finance is broad and encompasses initiatives taken by both public and private entities such as financial institutions, governments and international organizations in developing and supporting sustainable impacts through key financial instruments which lay the foundations of sustainable business models and investments.
Projects that fall under the green finance umbrella include the reduction of industrial pollution and lowering the carbon footprint, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, promotion of renewable sources of energy plus energy efficiency, circular economy initiatives, sustainable use of natural resources and many more.
For Africa to tackle the climate menace, it needs concerted efforts from all the above parties for desired outcomes to be reaped. …