Browsing: How Africa can access US market

US market
  •  Until now, the top five agricultural exports from Africa to US stores are coffee, cocoa, fruits and vegetables as well as seafood.
  • AmCham tips savvy traders in Africa to explore exporting new and unique products such as ancient grains, Specialty Meats, superfoods and natural oils.
  • These products not only cater to the growing consumer demand for new and diverse products but also supports sustainable and ethical sourcing practices.

As the contours of global trade continue to take shape, Africa, a continent bursting at the seams with unique resources is increasingly taking center stage. Africa’s array of unique products—if harnessed optimally—can significantly boost Africa-US trade which stood at $83.6 billion in 2021.

Currently, Africa’s agricultural exports to the US are still relatively small, largely because of the narrow stream of farm produce that gets exported. In 2021, the value of agricultural exports from Africa to the US market was estimated at …