Browsing: National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs)

Climate adaptation
  • With the risk of up to 118 million people being exposed to extreme weather by 2030, Africa is in a race against time to adapt fast.
  • African countries are already losing between 2% to 5% of their GDP annually due to climate-related hazards, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves.
  • The cost of adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa alone is estimated at $30Bn to $50Bn annually over the next decade, representing 2% to 3% of regional GDP.

Africa, a continent rich in biodiversity and natural resources, faces some of the most severe impacts of extreme weather, making climate adaptation very critical. The increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related disasters such as droughts, floods, heatwaves, and cyclones are wreaking havoc on African economies and societies.

The State of the Climate in Africa 2023 Report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), highlights that climate extremes disproportionately affect African nations. Increasingly, …