Browsing: New York City

President Samia Suluhu Hassan with US VP Kamala Harris. Suluhu Hassan’s visit to the US has brought the countries closer to implementing the Open Skies Air Transport Agreement.

During the meeting, the two discussed several regional and global issues of concern. The Vice President emphasized the importance of the world standing together in support of international rules and norms, including the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.

The most outstanding issue, though, is the Open Skies Air Transport Agreement.

Suluhu and Harris said they are looking forward to the entry into force of the agreement, which establishes a modern civil aviation relationship between the United States and Tanzania. They agreed that the agreement coming into force will promote increased travel and trade which will help spur economic growth between the two countries.

The US government notes that expanded travel and trade, improved productivity, more employment and economic growth have all been a result of the Open Skies accords, which have boosted the number of international passenger and cargo flights between the United States and other countries.…


The year began amidst a raging bull market. Global equities have made up all the post pandemic losses and are up 85% (as at 7 May 2021) since their March 2020 lows.

It’s hard to overstate how dramatic this market moment was, or how much panic was in the air. The horror of more than 700 people dying every day in New York City alone for instance was still in the future, with nurses and doctors wearing trash bags instead of medical personal protective equipment (PPE).

Data shows that many investors have missed the bull run altogether or are significantly underinvested, waiting for the ‘right’ opportunity to re-enter. Those who did stay invested through the volatility or re-entered the market in 2020 have a slightly different problem ‘Should I sell?’.

Expert - Kal Kotecha

The Covid-19 crisis was the ultimate affirmation of what is called the golden rule of investing, buy and hold. …