Browsing: renewable energy access in EAC

Wind and solar energy | EAC renewable energy
  • The EAC has announced investments in wind and solar energy infrastructure.
  • Member states have launched various initiatives designed to catalyze and grow the use of renewable energies and energy conservation on the other.
  • To achieve this ambitious green future, the bloc needs political will, regulation, and the creation of national renewable energy laws.

The East African Community (EAC) partner states are working to enhance energy efficiency in the bloc even as reports show some members are doubling down on projects improving the extraction of fossil fuels.

During the Ministerial Session of the 16th Sectoral Council of Energy held at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, the six-member bloc announced investments in wind and solar energy infrastructure, driving the region closer to an era of green economy.

Although the investment amount was not specified, the ministers highlighted the goal of utilising wind, solar, and geothermal energy as sustainable sources for …