Browsing: Uncorrelated Assets

So… of the longest bull markets in history; the Covid-19 pandemic; two trillion dollars invested in a digital pyramid scheme (Bitcoin et al); government borrowing on an unprecedented level to deal with the pandemic; real trade tensions between China and the West; post-quantitative easing unemployment set to rocket; the stock markets being manipulated by large groups of retail investors; a new market dynamic caused by digitalisation; markets back to pre-Covid-19 levels……..what is an investor to do?! 

The only thing that is certain is that, in the words of Chinua Achebe, “Things Fall Apart”. It is not a matter of “if” but “when”. Most commentators would suggest that the “when” will be within a maximum of 24 months and many think much earlier.  

Truck on road
Truck on road and World map background – shipping travel concept.

So if there is a global recession/depression on its way and if markets are