Browsing: women enterprises

blue and green economy
  • Africa’s blue and green economy is projected to be the new avenue that will drive investments in Africa
  • The continent, with its vast coastline and rich marine resources, is poised to harness the immense potential of Africa’s blue and green economy
  • According to ADFDB, 80 per cent of global trade is maritime. Oceans also provide billions of people with food, medicine, renewable energy, and natural resources.

Three Kenyan startups are among ten selected across the continent to benefit from $550,000 (Sh70.7 million) in capital to grow their operations towards boosting Africa’s blue and green economy sectors.

Kenya produced the highest number of startups on the list (three), followed by Rwanda with two. South Africa, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Tanzania each produced one enterprise.

From Kenya, Samaking, Plas Tech, and Ark will each receive $55,000 (Sh7.1 million) in funding to expand across Africa.

These ten ventures are part of the innovative, …