Browsing: African Union Agenda 2063


The African Union will run the year 2021 under the theme: Arts, Culture, and Heritage: Levers for Building Africa We Want.  The Theme’s focus is on the arts and creative industry’s transformative power. 

This is in line with the theme of the United Nations. The year 2021 had been declared by the UN  as the year of the creative industry. This comes in recognition of the power of the arts to bring people together and the earning potential within this industry.

The latest African Union summit held on saw a change at the helm of Africa’s coordinating organ. Replacing the South African president as the AU chair, the leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo will take over as the new chair of the African Union. 

President Tshisekedi, The new Chair of the African Union

President Felix Tshisekedi will take the helm of the African Union for the year 2021.

Agenda 2063

The realities on the African continent are unpalatable. The levels of financial, education and energy poverty among several other scales of poverty are extremely high. Yet the continent lies on a bed of natural resources and is adorned by some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. 

On top of that the biggest resource—its people—are capable of churning out ideas and innovation that can change the narrative on the continent. Africa is far from hopeless. Recognizing this, the African Union has set out to take steps towards achieving the realisation of a first class economic powerhouse by 2063. 

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

In a bid to achieve this agenda, a free trade area that seeks to create one common market through the integration of African countries was born. Of the 55 African countries 54 signed the agreement with Eritrea choosing to watch from the

afcta set to kick off

The countdown to the commencement of trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area is drawing to an end. 

The world celebrates the coming of a new year with the hope of a reprieve from the chaos and hardships that 2020 brought. For Africa, the New Year’s Eve celebrations bring hope for a brighter future. A future with Africa no longer the dark forgotten continent left behind by the rest of the world. Neither engulfed by poverty, inefficiency, and negativity nor identified by conflict and hopelessness.

A future where Africa stands shoulder to shoulder with economic giants. Where economies of scale and scope position African manufacturers favorably. Where African economies boast integrated efficiencies and world-class digital infrastructure. Where road networks and physical infrastructure on the continent take a turn for the better. Where Africa means business and has the trade statistics to prove it.

Africa is going for gold and