Browsing: Chinese loans

China's lending to Africa

China’s reduced lending to Africa has raised concerns about the future of Africa’s economic development and its relationship with China. The reduction in lending is due to a combination of factors, including the slowdown in the Chinese economy, the growing debt burden of African countries, and China’s increased selectivity in its lending.

The reduced lending has several implications for Africa’s economic future. African countries must find alternative sources of financing, a shift towards domestic resource mobilization, a change in the balance of power between China-African relations, and a potential slowdown in infrastructure development. African countries must navigate these changes carefully to ensure sustainable economic growth in the coming years.…

China's role in Africa external debt

In the last 20 years, Africa’s external debt has grown fivefold to about $700 billion. According to Chatham House, a policy centre in London, Chinese lenders account for about 12 per cent of that amount. As of November 2022, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank considered 22 low-income African countries to either be in debt distress or facing potential external debt distress.…