Browsing: covid19

African map

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage. African countries have so far recorded fewer cases than most other continents. However, a new, more infectious variant of the virus has surfaced in South Africa. This new strain is a significant threat to continental health. Given that the bulk of African countries’ health systems leave a lot to be desired, this is a heavy blow. 

That said, the effects of Covid-19 on African economies extend beyond the immediate impact on health. It goes to the effects of lockdown measures, interference with external trade as well as interruption of foreign inflows particularly, remittances from the diaspora, that have a considerable effect on most economies. 

immigration stats

Diaspora remittances to Africa

Driven by economic and other challenges, a sizeable number of Africans are living and working in different countries across the world. According to research by the Pew Research Center, over 25 million sub-Saharan Africans were living

900kenneth insights

further africaFurtherAfrica Insights – COVID19 series with Kenneth Njoroge from the Money Series Africa in Kenya.

A conversation about how the crisis is affecting one of the cornerstones of the Kenyan economy: Small and Medium companies. Kenneth gives his insights on how the government is handling the crisis and the opportunities arising as we prepare to come back to a new normal.
