Browsing: digital

Tanzania is swiftly transforming into a digital economy with mobile phone subscriptions and mobile money transactions leading the way.
  • Tanzania is rapidly transforming into a digital economy, with significant growth in mobile money accounts and transaction values.
  • Mobile money transactions increased by 25.2% to 1.1 trillion TZS in December 2024, with mobile money account subscriptions rising by 3.9% to 63.2 million.
  • M-PESA leads the mobile money market in Tanzania with 24 million subscribers, followed by Mixx by Yas with 19 million users and Airtel Money with 11 million.

Tanzania is steadily transforming into a digital economy with mobile phone subscriptions and mobile money transactions becoming increasingly popular across value chains. The country has experienced significant increase both in number of new mobile money accounts and in the number and the value of transactions conducted annually. This is clear evidence of “a deeper financial inclusion and a rapidly expanding digital economy” says the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA).

According to TCRA, mobile money transactions grew by 25.2 percent during the …

agriculture digital solutions
  • Digital solutions offer sustainable food security options for Africa.
  • African governments must invest in agri-tech to boost productivity.
  • Kenya’s Shamba Shape Up cited as a viable agri-tech solution. 

Agriculture digital solutions have the power to transform agri-food systems in emerging markets by bringing efficiency across all value chains.

“Technology, when applied to agriculture, results in higher income for farmers, increased output, and improved food security…these are among the benefits of utilizing digital tools in an agricultural setting,” said Prof. Mark Natoloi, in a recent research report that reviewed digital solutions for African farmers.

Governments could assist farmers and other agriculture stakeholders by deploying digital tools for important tasks, such as distributing subsidies to farmers or managing the inventories in storage facilities.

“When used as part of a national agricultural-transformation program, digital tools could help raise the incomes of smallholder farmers, increase crop output, and support food security,” reads the report …

Digital ID Africa Financial Inclusion

Digital ID Africa Financial Inclusion

We can all agree that there is a possibility in the future, for anyone who can’t be digitally identified, the opportunity to access services are slim to none, especially financial services.  

A digital ID is a form of identification where an individual can be known via remote means over digital channels. This features a high degree of verification and authentication, uniquely formed with individual consent and also observes user’s privacy and control over personal data. The latter, user privacy is a matter of a different discussion, but for now, the digital inclusion of an individual is paramount to create an electronic footprint in today's globally connected world.  

At present, there are more than 1 billion people who are not legally recognized as they bear no form of any identity (ID). According to World Bank 2018 estimates, almost 48 per cent of these “unknown” individuals exist


Binary code is a series of 0’1 and 1’s and thanks to the digital revolution that has since unfolded, these series of 0’s and 1’s and is, in multiple digits, lifting Africa out of poverty.

Take Tanzania for instance, a low income East African nation that now has the capacity to increase its annual tax base by a whopping USD 477 million should it better regulate, promote and develop the digital money industry in the country.

Other than the financial gains that are all too obvious, using digital transactions allows for increased transparency in government payments and reduced bureaucratic inefficiencies across most all government ministries and agencies.

Tanzania ranks way up there in Africa’s digital money penetration. In just a handful of years, Tanzania’s mobile money penetration has been unprecedented. With it, “Tanzania is building a firm foundation for strong and inclusive growth and we look forward to further progress,”…