Browsing: Emerging technologies in Africa
  • IBM Growth Markets General Manager for Africa Julia Carvalho said increased use of Artificial Intelligent is not limited to organizations and businesses
  • Technology is playing a key role in crucial industries such as agriculture and said it would help to deliver data analytics and predictive insights to help farmers make better-informed decisions
  • Overall,  IBM revealed that nearly half of global businesses at 43% accelerated their rollout of AI over the last year as organizations looked to virtual assistants to automate workflows

Artificial intelligence use in Africa

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future, and experts are advising players, especially in agriculture, to incorporate the technology in their operations.

A recent IBM report revealed that nearly half of global businesses at 43% accelerated their rollout of AI over the last year as organizations looked to virtual assistants to automate workflows.

80% of companies stated they had plans to roll out some form …