Browsing: energy africa

Mission 300 renewable energy in Africa
  • Denmark, the UK, Spain and France have announced their contributions to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.
  • Another new donor–Japan–joined in December 2024 with a $5M contribution.
  • Also joining the list of donors is SEFA, which is a multi-donor Special Fund that provides catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments.

The race to light up millions of homes in Africa under Mission 300 initiative has received a shot in the arm after a number of countries including Denmark, the United Kingdom, Spain and France have announced their contributions to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa. Another new donor–Japan–joined in December 2024 with a $5 million contribution under AGIA.

Also joining the list of donors is SEFA, which is a multi-donor Special Fund that provides catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

SEFA aims to contribute to universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, …

Africa is rich in oil and gas, with some of the world’s greatest natural gas reserves.

The European Union has imposed restrictions, including a partial oil embargo on Russia. The sanctions will see the E.U. ban seaborne imports of Russian crude oil by the end of 2022. Additionally, petroleum product imports would stand prohibited by early 2023. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reiterates the E.U. plans to reduce reliance on Russian fossil resources by 2027.

Because of the European Union’s political determination to minimize its reliance on Russia in response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, the E.U. is now searching for alternative suppliers. The search implies that suppliers such as Africa’s underdeveloped frontier energy markets may discover new energy markets in Europe. Optimism remains high since it is clear the E.U. no longer rely on Russian gas. Russia has for years remained a primary gas supplier in Europe.…


Oil and Gas

Let’s say you are one of the business spirited types and you got wind of a new road and a weighbridge station to set up. Your entrepreneurship senses spike up, you start your research on what the demand of the area is and you get ready to set up shop.

Oil & Gas: Tanzania losing investors

One month, two months, three months…one year pass, the road works have not started, talks amass but no groundwork, do you think you will still want or even have the resources to set up that shop, one year down the road?

That is what UTT Asset Management and Investor Services Plc (UTT-Amis) faced waiting to invest in the much-coveted US$30 Billion Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Uganda-Tanzania pipeline.

You see, UTT-Amis was interested in investing in an area in excess of 2,072 hectares of land that was strategically located right where the …