Browsing: Internet in Africa

digital economy Internet access
  • Market size of Africa’s digital economy could reach $712 billion by 2050.
  • In 2022 only 36 percent of the African population had access to broadband internet.
  • Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are streamlining adoption of 5G services.

Africa is on the verge of an economic revolution. From the north to the southern part of the Saharan desert, nations are striving to eliminate poverty and gain a strong foothold in global markets.

In the same vein, the continent is banking on the potential held by the digital economy. Reports ping the sector to higher standards, including a report from non-profit Endeavor predicting that the market size of Africa’s digital economy could reach $712 billion by 2050.

The growth is propelled by the massive engagement of the continent’s younger population, rising smartphone adoption and increasing internet penetration.

Read also: World Bank backs Smart Africa’s Digital Academy with $20M grant

Digital economy in

Liquid Telecom Office in South Africa

The additional Gbps will be part of the highly anticipated global submarine cable. It is aimed at increasing the availability of high-performance and reliable internet connectivity access across the continent leveraging Liquid’s 100,000km of terrestrial fibre across 12 countries. 

While acting as a new global internet route between Asia, Europe and the USA, the additional capacity will help increase the proliferation of faster and more affordable internet, Cloud and cyber security services to the African people and businesses.

“We are delighted to provide new subsea capacity between Mombasa, Karachi and Marseille, with extensions planned towards Singapore and Asia. This creates a cost-effective, low-latency and diverse route that our customers can leverage to serve their business-critical connectivity needs. The submarine cable will be ready in 2022,” Liquid Dataport (a division of Liquid Intelligent Technologies) CEO David Eurin said. …
  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai says Africa has the opportunity of exporting technologies to the rest of the world, but a heavy investment is required to make the dream a reality
  • The CEO noted that Africa is on the cusp of a digital transformation, adding that 300 million more people are coming online in Africa over the next five years
  • Sundar has urged other companies to make their investments and recommends focusing on four key areas that will ensure that the digital transformation benefits every African

Africa has the opportunity of exporting technologies to the rest of the world, but a heavy investment is required to make the dream a reality. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that despite the continent has 18% of the global population, it only accounts for 0.4% of high-tech exports.

Further, Sundar said the continent accounts for only 2% of the world’s broader service exports.

“Boosting these …